Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Job checklist for video editors

Wow, this guy wrote and excellent list of things to know when applying to a job as video editor.


NOTE: this will not be your average job ad.
The longest & most detailed ad you have EVER seen. Promise.

Hint: We are not looking for your average video editor either.

*** We are looking for an A PLAYER. ***
What is an A Player for us? Somebody at the top 10% of their class/field.
You are? READ ON!

Also, IMPORTANT: you have to be a true EDITOR at heart - and NOT a “jack of all trades” that is interested in and does everything from production to editing.
If you are not, this will not work. You are a 110% committed EDITOR. That’s what you do.
If not, you should move on to the next ad right now.

I also prepared a short video for you (plus some other useful links/info):


This is FULL-TIME, 40 hours per week (split up as you wish)
Starting pay: $1,500 per month; project based, as Independent Contractor
Ideally, you would be available to get started full-time very soon.

You could work from home or in our small Brooklyn Video Rec. Studio (1 block from DE KALB AV stop on L train).

You would edit MUSIC INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS (MULTI-CAM) with many of the very, very TOP JAZZ MUSICIANS (all instruments) in the world.

Besides being an ace at your craft, you NEED to be:
quick, yet VERY DETAIL-ORIENTED, responsive, resourceful & pro-active. Seriously.


We are a small production company that produces/publishes/sells instructional videos with many-world famous jazz musicians. We have been in production for 1 year and have A LOT of editing work to be done.

We are working with top-of-the-line artists and we have very HIGH STANDARDS.
If you are used to working in environments where doing half-baked, incomplete work is ok, and that’s how you roll, too, PLEASE MOVE ON TO THE NEXT AD. It will not work.
We are a fun team, we work on fun projects, but our standards are probably higher than what you are used to.

If you haven’t yet, please WATCH THE VIDEOS & check out the docs from the LINK above!

Basically ASAP.
Also, we are looking for somebody who can commit to doing this for at least 12 months (hopefully longer).

For our projects, we shoot with 4-5 DVC PRO HD cameras and record multi-track audio through ProTools.
===> Editors will be responsible for the entire gamut of the post production workflow in everything besides audio (we have an engineer for mixing and mastering).

Duties include:

* syncing audio/video
* color correction
* cutting
* implementing feedback from the artist and director/producer
* DVD/Web compression
* basic graphics creation

We are looking for a VERY serious FCP Editor.

This should either be your primary profession, or that should be your main goal.
We have a lot of editing that needs to be done, and need someone on board who is primarily interested in editing. You need to be skilled in FCP.
=> You must be a 100% editor with the being your main focus & interest.

While some experience with the following skills/programs is not mandatory, it is definitely preferred.


ON A SCALE FROM 1-10, how skilled your are with each of the following items?
Feel free to elaborate with a brief text re your experience with each item.
(LINKS to excerpts of your work would GREAT as well!):

* Color Correction
* Syncing Audio/Video
* Computer Savvy
* Multi-cam editing (If familiar: how many MC edits have you done?)
* Compression
* DVD Studio Pro
* Motion
* Photoshop
* Pluraleyes
* Cinemacraft

With so many projects, we have a VERY detailed and specific file organizational structure and STEP-BY-STEP workflow that you will be working within.
To make this job work you need to be willing to work and be creative within a detailed structure of file organization/naming and post workflow.

IF YOU HAVEN’T YET, CHECK OUT THE *SECOND* LINK/VIDEO & PDFs under #3 of the web page from the LINK ABOVE - it gives you a glimpse of our process/organizational structure.

KEY QUALITIES/TRAITS NEEDED - (besides being a kick-butt editor):

* able to follow detailed instructions/very detail-oriented
* quick-study & quick implementer
* proactive (you figure things out on your own; you START things on your own, if you see they need to get done); you are a serious PROBLEM SOLVER!
* interested in music and editing music footage (ideally familiar with Jazz - NOT necessary, though, if you are open & adapt quickly)

You take pride in doing stellar work! You are definitely NOT just half-a…ing things.


If it is, please respond and tell me WHY.


CHECK OUT ITEM #4 OF THE WEB PAGE of the above link for this. Seriously.
That’s how we roll. Are you?

(Where applicable, feel free to ELABORATE/GIVE EXAMPLES!)

* If you have a resume, paste it in the body of your email (NO ATTACHMENTS!)
* Where do you live? (N’hood/subway stop)
* Are you currently working? (Projects? Full-time? Half-time?)
* How soon could you start full-time? (40h/week)
* If it works out: are you committed to do this for at least 12 months?

* Have you used GOOGLE DOCS before?
* Are you a “LIST MAKER”?
* Are you into “productivity” (constantly finding “better ways” of doing things?)
* Are you QUICK at what you do?
* Yet, are you still VERY detail oriented?
* Are you a problem solver? Are you PRO-ACTIVE/a self-starter? Do you figure things out ON YOUR OWN? (Give some examples - can be unrelated to editing)

* Which editing gear do you own?
* List any gear/software you do not own, but have experience with
* Which version of FCP do you have?
* Do you have Multi-cam editing experience? (If yes, how many edits done with it?)
* Why are you an editor, vs. more a “production person”? Why is this more your cup of tea?
(Again, if you do “all kinds of things”, incl. production, this will NOT work. We need somebody who is 110% serious about EDITING - not a “I do it all” kind of person.)

* Why did this ad speak to you?
* Why do you think you are a good fit for this job?
* What’s most interesting to you about this job?
* What’s least interesting to you about this job?
* What specific part of the ad triggered you to reply?
* Why is this aspect important to you?
* What’s the second-to-last bullet/item in our “Rules we live by” google doc?
* What did you think of that “Rules we live by” doc? Feel free to elaborate on the SPECIFIC items brought up in that doc... Your thoughts on them (refer to SPECIFIC ITEMS)? How do think YOU operate in those departments?
* What makes you outstanding at what you do? What makes you an A Player?
* What example UNRELATED TO VIDEO EDITING, from any other aspect of your life, illustrates that you are an A Player?

* Do you like Jazz? (If yes, what/who do you like?)

* Would you be okay to later on facilitate an opportunity for me to speak with THREE REFERENCES for an in-depth reference check? (If you just graduated: your former teachers)
* If yes: when I call your references, what would they name as your biggest strengths and your biggest weaknesses (aka areas deserving improvement)?

MAKE A SHORT WEBCAM VIDEO OF YOURSELF and tell us why you think you would be a good fit for this job.
HINT, HINT: if you go the video route, please answer all the above QUESTIONS in the video!
(The RATE YOUR SKILLS SECTION further above: answer that one in writing, please.)
Quick & dirty webcam video is just fine. Don’t script, just be yourself.

Upload it to YouTube (you can make it unlisted/private) or Viddler (you can password-protect it!) and email us the link.
(Please TEST first that it works!)

This will take you less than 30 minutes.
If that’s a turn-off for you, chances are you don’t have enough drive for whom and what we are looking for here.
If you feel like writing back “sorry, I don't have a webcam!” -> if you don't have enough drive to get off your couch and buy a $20 webcam from Radio Shack around the corner, AGAIN: chances are you don't have enough DRIVE for this gig.

Looking forward to your reply!



  • Location: Brooklyn or Home
  • Compensation: 1500
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 2300863042

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